LLC Formation in Maryland
ComplianceJuly 28, 2015

LLC formation in Maryland

Every state has its own rules for forming an LLC (limited liability company) and Maryland is no exception. Understanding Maryland’s requirements will help you determine whether to form your LLC in that state.

Naming your Maryland LLC

The name of a Maryland LLC must include either the words "Limited Liability Company," or one of the following abbreviations: "L.L.C., "LLC," "L.C." or "LC." The name can’t contain language stating or implying that the LLC is organized for a purpose other than the one permitted by the Articles of Organization. Also, the name cannot be the same as or deceptively similar to that of a domestic or foreign-qualified LLC.

Member/Manager information

The following are Maryland’s requirements for the members and managers of LLCs:

  • Minimum number. LLCs must have one or more members.
  • Residence requirements. Maryland does not have a provision specifying where members or managers must reside.
  • Age requirements. Maryland does not have age requirements for members or managers.
  • Inclusion in the Articles of Organization. Member or manager names and addresses are not required to be listed in the Articles of Organization.

Requirements for the Articles of Organization

In Maryland, you form an LLC by filing Articles of Organization and paying the state-imposed fee. Articles of Organization must be signed by the initial Registered Agent, as well as the organizers of the LLC.

Registered agent

You must list the name and address of your registered agent on your Articles of Organization. The registered agent must have a physical address (no post office boxes) within Maryland. And, your agent must be available during normal business hours to accept Service of process and other important legal and tax documents on behalf of the LLC. Your initial registered agent must sign the Articles of Organization.

Professional services businesses

Maryland does provide for Professional Limited Liability Companies (PLLC), but professionals, such as accountants, attorneys, and physicians, can organize and operate their businesses as an LLC.

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